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cant penetrate?

18 11:59:36

Hello, my female dog is in season, and she is starting to let my male hump her, I'm pretty sure she is ready because she is holding her tail up. There is a lot of humping and licking Should I keep them seperated until it is time to mate?going on but no penetration, when his tip touches her vagina she runs away. This is her 9th day of her cycle. Is it too soon? Also I have never seen him with an erection only the pink tip comes out when humping. Is that normal? should I keep them seperated until time to mate? Should I let him do the licking? very irritating.

Hi Brenda

Day 9 is the perfect day to start bringing them together.  You want to separate them at all times expect 15 - 30 minutes, 2 or three times a day to entice them to mate.

The licking just excites both the male and female, it won't harm either of them, some males need the stimulant.

How old is your male?  Is he inexperienced?  The tip comes out when the male is excited and when the male swells it will "lock" his penis in position, it really only occurs when a male is fully engorged during the mating.