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whelping in dogs

18 11:59:37

My female Belgian leaked clear stringy egg white fluid from her vulva at 3:30pm and her temp. was 98.1 at 8:32 pm 10/20 it stayed that way all day 10/21 until 8 pm on 10/21 it was 100.4 now today it is at 98.8 10:44 am 10/22 she is 62 days pregnant when can I expect my puppies?

Hi Vanessa

Do you know your female "normal" body temperature when's she not expecting?  Everything from laying in the sun to drinking water can lower or raise a temp.

Mother Nature has a way of doing things her on way and in her own time.  She could have them within the next 8, 24 or 36 hours.  

Good luck