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boxer birthing

18 13:32:13

my boxer is having her second litter she is now at day 64 and has not delivered and is not showing any signs except for discharge clear last night whats up

That clear discharge you saw last night may have been the mucus plug. If that's the case, then most dogs usually go into labor about 24-48 hours after losing the mucus plug. If she's on day 64, no colored discharge, no labor signs, and acting fine, then I wouldn't worry. When she was bred, she may have actually taken a day or two later than when she was bred. Sperm can live inside the female up to a week, so she may not have actually become pregnant until a few days after she was bred. Was she bred more than once? If so, then she would have two different due dates, or as many due dates as she was bred. If she was bred only the once, don't let her go past day 65 without a check up. One more thing, did you do x-rays?