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my 1st mini dachshund pregnancy

18 11:56:31

daffy(black%26tan) is her name and she is so huge, was wondering when will she let me know when she is ready, I lost track of her heat time and don't know her due date. she is nearly dragging to the floor. also how many pups do they usually have. scooby is my male and he is a mini also.(red)

Hi Lisa

Gestation is 63 days.   Do you know the approximate time she was in heat?

Females are born with all the eggs they are going to have.  Depending on the number of eggs she releases she could have 1, 2 or a dozen.

Does she have a whelping box to deliver her pups?  Fill a box with newspaper or old towels, let her nest and get it ready.  When she quits eating, you know your close.

Good luck