Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Pregnant pomeranian?????

Pregnant pomeranian?????

18 11:56:39

QUESTION: I breed my 3yr. old pom.may 19th. My husband would not allow me to take her to the vet. I do not know for sure if she is pregnant. She has followed all of the symptoms of pregnancy. Her Belly is larger and hard.
I am very concerned that she has not gone into labor. What can I do to help her, and to be sure that she is even pregnant?
I have delivered labs before. I just need to get her started and it will be ok. She did have blood in her stool today.
Please help I'm so worried about my baby.

ANSWER: Hi Kelly

What day of her season did you breed her on?  As today is day 67, it's doubtful but possible that she would deliver today.  However that being said, a false pregnancy has all the signs of a real one without the end results.

Blood in her stool could mean worms, so that's not a real good indicator.  Is she nesting or off her food?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I breed her on day 9 and 11. She is nesting, and not eating much. I can feel movement, sometimes. She also would yelp and her belly felt like it was contracted. This happened a few times last night, then stops.

Without x-rays or ultra sound, you're guessing.  

Let assume the breeding on the 11th she released the eggs and the semen can live up to 72 hours.  It's still possible.  

With palpitating the female what you might be feeling could be her kidney.  You need to stand her up on all fours and run your fingers lightly up and then in beneath her stomach.

Good luck