Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breeding a maltese x shitzu

breeding a maltese x shitzu

18 13:27:50

Hello.  We have had a maltese x shitzu since January 08 and we would like to breed her but we dont't know what the process is other than mating of course.  When they come on heat and how do you know.  She has bled once but seems to have clear liquid every now and then.  Thanks you.  Ruth

Hi Ruth

First is the swelling and bleeding.  It's important to keep accurate records of the day the bleeding starts.

When the blood turns a pink color ovulation may begin.  Breeding is usually optimal on days 10 - 15.  But those days can vary.  

Your female will stand and "flag" a male (all males and any males so it's very important to have a very short leash on her when you go out).  

Gestation is approximately 64 days. Remember if they are mating for a week gestation is from when the egg was fertilized not necessarily when they mated.

Good luck.