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my dog is in heat!!

18 13:34:48

sir iam ephraim from Philippines i have a japanese spitz and she's in heat and she's already allowing my male japanese spitz to mount her my question is how many time do i have to allow my male to mount her?and if i let him mount in my female everyday  is it okey for the health of my male dog that since he's the only one male dog i breed with? and about the diet of my female dog that she's now in heat do i have to limit her food until she is confirm pregnant,and lastly her  last unsuccessful pregnancy theres a yellowish fluid coming out in her vagina is it okey or natural after  her heat cycle?
                    thanks sir for your help.....

Hi. You only need to let the dogs breed twice. Anymore than that, and it's overkill. You put undo stress on the dogs, and may even end up with premature puppies. Continue feeding her what she normaly eats until you know for sure that she's definitely pregnant. After that, up her dog food ration. She'll let you know when she needs more food most likely. The yellowish discharge may indicate an infection. If you see it again after this heat, take her to the vet. Good luck!