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my staffy

18 13:45:32

hi joyce
        i have a 8month old staffy bitch who is in her first heat started 6th sept and she is still bleeding heavily today 17th sept just wondering how long it normally takes and when would it be ok for me to put my male staffy back in the yard with her???? as they pine for each other when i seperate them.I have intensions to put my male over my bitch when would be a good age??? i think she might be a bit young to have a litter atm
any advice would be great

cheers stacey

Hi Stacey

You don't want to breed her on her first heat, that's a given.   But you need to keep them separated for at the very least 21 days, but I would add a couple of days to that just to be safe.

If she is mentally and physically mature, you could breed her safely on her second heat.

Good luck.