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Behaviour of male dog towards pregnant bitch

18 13:42:32

I have two Lancashire Heelers, one of whom is (we hope) about four weeks pregnant.  She has always shared her bed at night with our male Heeler (dad), but the last two nights he has whined and barked incessantly, literally all night.  We separated them, thinking that she might need more space now, but whilst that didn't bother her, he just carried on yelping and whining.  Is this normal behaviour? What can we do, both to stop it, and to help him through this?  During the day they seem to get on as well as ever, but the last two nights have been awful.  We've tried ignoring him, and firmly telling him 'quiet', which would normally work, but nothing is working this time!

First thing you have to do is figure out why he's unhappy. I doubt very seriously it has anything to do with your bitch. Especially since removing her didn't change his behavior. What has changed around him? Any difference in routine? Is he getting outside to potty late enough? How's his health?
Give it some thought, get back to me and we'll go from there.