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whelping and bleeding

18 13:30:38

I know you said it is common to bleed for weeks after whelping.  Just want to confirm.  My border collie had first litter of 8.  It has been 7 weeks and she still has some light bleeding.  Not always, just notice every couple of days.  Took her to vet 2 weeks ago and he did cbc which was okay.  He did not think she had infection.  She is just now starting to dry up good.  How long can I expect her to continue to bleed?

Hi Janice.  I'm glad to read that your vet had examined your new mother and did not find any infection.  Did you mention the bleeding while you were at your vet's office?

Usually by 7 weeks the bleeding (or light spotting) should be over.  Your Collie might have a small vaginal rip, which could be causing the bleeding.  I would keep an eye on her, and if the bleeding continues more that a couple of weeks from now, I would schedule her for another exam.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto