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Pregnant Mini Schnauzer

18 13:27:35

4 or 5 weeks ago I came home to find my 18 month old schnauzer locked up with my other schnauzer. She now has all the symptoms of being pregnant. We have been watching her closely and noticed that she is having a bloody mucus discharge that smells completely awful. She generally does not use the bathroom in my house but she seems to be leaving this discharge on my floors. My male schnauzer is constantly licking her privates and then immediately does some really wierd chattering with his mouth. My female has vomited a couple of times also. She has started plumping up but her nipples don't appear to have any milk. The bloody discharge has an extremely foul smell that makes everyone leave the room. She has also gotten very lazy.

We did not intend on this happening until we had been properly trained on breading. Please advise!

I would recommend having your vet examine her ASAP as it's possible she may have developed a life-threatening uterine infection known as pyometra. Generally the symptoms include a foul smelling vaginal discharge, increased water consumption & often a high fever. Hopefully this isn't the case but something is definitely wrong & I feel strongly that you should seek medical assistance as soon as you possibly can. I'll be hoping for the best for you both!