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Litter of Puppies

18 11:59:02

My Miniature Dachshund gave birth to 3 pups (first time) 1 died. She also had to have a expensive c-section.  I agreed to give the male owner pick.  However she came to pick now the 2 pups are 6 weeks and calls to see when she can get her puppy.  I tried to talk her into making a deal about breeding next time or paying her but she wants a puppy.  Guess I have to give her one?  And I was wondering if she had had only 1 puppy is that consider a litter?  Thank You  Kathy

Hi Kathy

This is one of the reason I don't stud out. Before even considering using a stud everything must be in writing and clearly outlined so you don't have this problem after the fact.

With small and "miniature" breeds c-sections have to be considered as there is always a higher risk.

1 pup is a litter, even if all the pups died, she still whelped a litter.

My advise, give her the pup owed and let it be a lesson learned.

Good luck