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whelping question

18 12:00:26


I was just wondering if you could share with me some of your knowledge. My Shih-Tzu who is 20months was accidently mated by my friends male Shih-tzu, when she was looking after her for me while I was on holiday. She feels much heavier and her stomach has got alot bigger it would work out that she is 42 pregnant (since matting). I took her to the vets today and they did an ultrasound on her, and said they wouldn't give us a number but they could see at least 1 puppy. However she then said to us that it's not unusual for the mother to re-absorb the puppies, and ultimately she still could end up with no puppies. I asked if everythink looked okay because I was worried that she had spotted something that could harm my dog, and she said if something goes wrong with the pregnancy we will know because she will be un-well.
Can you tell me what you think she meant, was she just making me aware that some pregnancy's end up in miscarriage or do you think she has spotted a potential problem with the puppy/s. I wasn't present for the scan as they took her off me to do it. I want to get all the stuff she needs (whelping box/kit etc..) but am worried that my vet feels that this pregnancy is likely to end without puppies. What would you advise? and what is the likely hood of re-absorption and what causes it? She is our very healthy, happy, spoiled little baby and want to do the best by her and any potential new babies! Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks

ANSWER: Hi. If she thought something was wrong, then she most likely would've said something. I think that she was just letting you know that sometimes things do happen to prepare you. If she does reabsorb, then you most likely won't see any outward signs, maybe just a decrease in pregnancy signs. There are many reasons why a dog absorbs her puppies: infection, injury, malnutriton. A lot of times, when a dog ovulates she throws many eggs. Her body will then reabsorb some of them until the litter is a size that her body can hanlde. Sometimes, something gets out of whack, and she absorbs the whole litter. A miscarriage is something completely different. She may be off her food and water, she may act sick, and may have a temp. She may also have a nasty discharge. Miscarriages are not that common in dogs. Any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, get her to the vet. I think though, that the vet was just giving you a heads up. Many people think that you breed two dogs, 9 weeks later the dog gives birth, they don't realize what can/does go wrong. if I can help with anything else, let me know!

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QUESTION: Thanks for your fast reply! I think you are right and that she would of told me if something was wrong, I guess time will tell! She is my priority so I am just trying to get as much knowledge and advice as I can so I can give her the best care which ever way this all turns out. I will get the whelping box and stuff anyway so we are prepared. I have been researching into the birth and my parents have been giving me advice as they used to breed German Shepards, but if there is anything you think I should be doing or buying then all advice is appreciated. I will let you know what happens!
many thanks again

ANSWER: Hi. Here is what I keep in my whelping box:
iodine(umbilical cords), hemostats(to clamp cords before cutting), dental floss (to tie cords with), plenty of old blankets(got them at the Goodwill), chucks(the things they use in the hospitals, blue and flat. Kind of look like puppy pads, get them at Wal-Mart), puppy bottles/formula, bottle brush, baby toe nail clips, bulb syringe, regular syringe, ribbon to tie around puppies necks, empty two liter bottles to fill with warm water, wrap in a towel, and put in whelping box with puppies. I think this is it. Just keep doing what you're doing, make sure she gets exercise. If I can help with anything else, let me know! And please do let me know how it goes.:-)

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QUESTION: Hi Renee, I hope you had a well deserved break! I just wanted a bit more advice. Honey is now 57days since mating and yesterday morning she vomited a little and then once also on the evening, She also did the same early hours this morning. In her self She seems absolutely fine as I type she is running around with a teddy in her mouth! Infact in herself she don't seem pregnant, she is eating and drinking fine, has not produced any milk yet and not showing any signs of slowing down. Since yesterday I have noticed that she is washing around her vulva area alot, I started taking her temp and it 1st read 37.3 then the pm reading was 37.2c and todays am reading was 36.4 but I will re-do this later on just to make sure it is accurate. If she was to have the pups now would it not be too early for them to survive? My main concern is the vomiting and lack of maternalness is it possible they could of died, she has gained lots of weight and waddles when she walks! Also is it safe to bath her before she has the pups?
sorry to be a pain but your advice was so helpfull last time and I am a worrier, shes my fur-baby!

Hi! I spent my time off getting ready for puppies, and cleaning the back yard.:-) The vomiting is normal,a s long as she acts fine in every other way. Sometimes they will vomit when they get close to whelping. We want her to at least make it to day 58, before that and they don't have much of a chance. You should be able to feel the pups by now. Gently press in on her sides, you should be able to feel them. You can have an x-ray done, or take her to the vet and let him palpate her. You can give her a bath now, just in warm water and a very mild soap. A lot of dogs won't get milk in til a few days before labor, and some even wait til after they whelp to get it in. Good luck, let me know if I can help with anything else!