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chiauhaua x mini daschund pregnant by shitzhu

18 11:59:09

hi I have a chiahaua x mini dacshund bitch 15 months old who is pregnant very much by mistake by i suspect to my mini shitzhu i am very worried by the fact that the pups may be too big for her she is about 5.5 pounds in weight and he is 10 pounds in weight, his parents were both quite small as well what is the likelyhood of her needing a c section?

Hi Rosemarie

I would take her into the vet for x-rays after day 50.  The vet can get a indication of size of the litter and the skeletal structure of the pups.   At that time you can discuss the need for a section and have one scheduled.  It will save the cost of an emergency c-section and possible your female and her pups.

Good luck