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Pitbull breeding

18 11:59:09

I have an 18 month old pure bred american pitbull terrier blue nose. She is absolutely gorgeous in every way and has won several ukc awards as a puppy. I have picked out a mate for her, but the owner of the male is making outrageous demands. He says he wants say in the homes of three of the puppys, first pick male, and half the overall money. This is out of control correct? I already dealt with two heats, the heat that she will get pregnant in, and will have to deal with the pregnancy so i dont see how him controlling the situation like this is fair at all. His dog is very handsome and well mannered and i believe their puppies would sell for top dollar. My question is this... ShouldI force him to lower his demands and say no deal if he does not? Should I mate them and tll him later "my dog tuff luck you dont get all that you are lucky to get anything at all"? is that following question even a legal practice in the eyes of the law? Or should I settle for another mate who many not be as good looking but with a more reasonable owner? I guess what i really want to know is if i mate the dogs and dissapear all together can he send the law after me for what he thinks is rightfully his?

Hi Jared

Bottom line is he is the owner of the dog.  This is the one of the reason we don't stud out.  As a new breeder you don't want to start out with a reputation that you can't be trusted to honor your agreement.  With that being said everything should be in writing regardless of which male you use.

Are you doing a line breeding, and in breeding or an out-cross.  How will the pair match up? There are a lot of outstanding males available.  

If you can't come to a reasonable agreement, which for a unproven male it's pic pup back or the equivalent in cash, or a proven male, 2 pick pups back.   

As for the legal ramifications, if you have an agreement in writing it will uphold in the courts, a verbal contract means nothing.  Being in the dog world for all these years, you see this happen time and time and time again.  Fall outs happen and names get slandered, and nobody wants to deal with either party.

Good luck