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How many puppies

18 12:00:01

I have a American stafforshire who is pregnant and I think will be due in about two weeks if not sooner I had an ultrasound done to determine how many pups, but the vet said it is hard to tell on this breed because the way they hide.  I have heard a myth that you can tell approx how many by the nipples she has ten nipples but only 8 are filling up is that a good assumption to make.  I know that you said you should get and x ray but right now that is not an option for me Please let me know I am just wanting to make sure that I have a good estimate so that I can assure all babies come out

thank you

Hi Lisa

That's a good myth but a false one.  

Here are the facts:  A female is born with ALL the eggs she ever is going to produce in her lifetime.  So if her body kicks out 1 egg, 1 pup, 2 eggs, 2 pups and so on.

If you can't get x-rays' the old fashion, wait and see method is all you can do.

Good luck