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small puppy

18 13:43:01

My boxer puppies are 13 days old today.  They are all growing great except 1.  She was the first born, seems to eat well, sleep well and is trying to do what her brothers and sisters are, just not quite as strong.  I have checked her palate and all looks good.  I am just very concerned about her.  Everyone keeps saying she is the runt but she is now a little less than half the size of the rest of the puppies. The vet checked her out at 5 days old when docking tails and said she seemed healthy.  What are your thoughts?

HI Beth. I have experienced this as well. There's no real reason why it happens. There may be something wrong with these puppies that we just can't see. I would take her back in to the vet for a check up. Have her heart checked out, you may also want some blood work done to check the liver. Again, there may be no real reason. The only thing that you can do is to continue making sure she eats well. Ask you vet for some Nutri-Cal. I had a puppy in a litter once that was so tiny, I honestly didn't think she would make it. Blood work, nothing , could show a reason. She turned out to be the largest puppy in the litter. Go figure. Just keep doing what you're doing. I really hate to say this, I don't want to sound cruel, but if she's meant to make it, she will. You can only do so much, as mother nature has her own plans. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, please let me know.