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WIll my dog die?

18 13:43:39

My is pregant and we have had her for about 11 years, Will she die during labor? She is a crockerspanial and we think she mated around November 15? Her sides are very big and nipples are big too, I just need advice? How would I deliver them? When will she be due? Thank you for all of your help,

Hi Becca

You have a 11 year old female that is due?  Is this her first litter? What did she mate with? What is the size of the male she was mated to?

Gestation is 64 days, so if you expect pups mid January.  I would take her to your Vet and discuss the possibility of a c-section, her general health and that fact that you may lose both her and her pups because of her age.

Good lucks.