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Japanese Spitz, 1yr1mo. still not in heat

18 13:26:57

Hi Ma'am. This is Arlene from the Philippines, I have a Japanese Spitz dog, she's already a year and a month old (birthdate is may 25, 2008). We still haven't observed any bleeding from her vagina, or any sign of being "in heat" from her. Is it possible that we just missed out on her period? Or is there something wrong with our dog? Thank you very much for the advice.

Hi Arlene

Small dogs can sometimes be harder to detected because they are better able to keep themselves clean and the amount of blood loss can be the size of a pinprick.

Alternatively, her immune system could be lacking and you may need to boost it with vitamins and/or fish oils.  Both will help.  At a year I wouldn't count her out yet, and a year is still young to be breeding a female for the first time.

Good luck