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Boxer c-section

18 13:34:38

My boxer who is 3 years old had a c-section performed this morning.  Had 6 puppies, one died.  Is there anything to look out for now that she is coming back home?  Nursing difficulties, not wanting to be around her pups, maybe?  What should I do to help?  Thank you!

Hi Gian. Mom will be pretty sore. Keep a really good eye on those stitches, watch out for an infection. Also, keep a good eye on her milk and breasts. If you see any hot, red spots, get her to the vet. You may also want to take her temp a few times a day, just to be safe. Most dogs will take right to their puppies after a section, some won't. Be patient, and offer the puppies to her to nurse, see how she reacts. If she readily accepts them, then just make sure the pups don't hurt her stitches/staples. Some dogs may have problems with their milk coming in after a section. Just make sure she has plenty of water and food, and try to get those puppies to nurse. If anything is off in any way, get her to the vet. You may want to offer the puppies to her one at a time at first to see how she reacts. Good luck!