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Heat and Breeding

18 12:00:04

I have a 1yr old Pomchi (male) and just got a 1 1/2 yr old 1/2 Daschund and something (female).  The lady that I got her from only had her for a month and said that she recently had a litter.  She resued her by the way.  It looks like my female delivered not to long ago because her private area looks swollen and like it has a little bit of dried blood on it.  My male has never been around other dogs in such a closed environment and is totally going crazy wanting to mount her constantly!!  So my questions are #1 the swollen area, is that her vulva?  #2 how soon can she go back into heat?  #3 Is my male to young to get a female pregnant? #4 Should I allow him to continue to mount her?    Thanks for your time!!  Have an Awesome day!

Hi Maria

First my concern is with people that "rescue" these poor females and then allow them to be bred.  A true rescue fixes the animal so they can have long and loving homes as pets.

If your female is swollen with blood and your male is mounting her, that would indicate a heat.

Yes, the swollen area is her vulva.  

A female can go into heat every 6 months.

Your male starts producing semen at 6 months old.

If you want pups, allow him to mount her. HOWEVER you've had this poor female such a short time, why not let her become accustomed to her new family.  In addition, at her age with one litter under belt, it's best to wait until she's in top mental and physical health.

Good luck