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Deworming during the first week of heat

18 12:00:04

Hi,I have a doberman bitch and I missed her deworming last week. i just realised she is in heat today and i want to breed her. today is the first day of the heat and i know she will not be receptive until somewhere next week i want to know if i can deworm her today or tomorrow and if it will affect the heat in anyway and affect the possiblity of her geeting pregnant especially since this is my first attempt at breeding her. She is 18 months old and this is her second heat.

Hi Coretta

You can de-worm her prior to breeding.  The longer it has to get into the system the better.  I wouldn't delay.  

Once she's had a tie, it's too late, you're best not to give anything medicinal until after the litter is whelped.

Good luck