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being in heat again

18 12:00:25

I have a girl who got pregnant day 8 of start of heat,I sent her away to my son's until she was on day 26,I wanted to make sure she didn't get pregnant,but she had alreay mated day 8

my question is her puppy is 7 weeks old,Born July 3rd)he has been weaned fully at 6 weeks and a2 days.she only had the one puppy and saturday August 22 nd she came into heat again,I know it heat because my 2 studs have been very interested in her,so i had to send them away,(staying with a friend)or could it be something worse that would attract my males to her,her vulva is not swollen,but looks a bit raw,I thought she had razor burn from being groomed Friday august 21st  but since my male are so attracted is this a heat cycle?could she have had a split heat when she did get pregnant day 8,she went to stay with my son,there was no pressure there and maybe her heat cycle stopped?

I am just worried,as I won't have her spayed if she is in heat or how long this one will last,I had made a spay appointment last thursday for Sept 8th My vet told me 3 weeks she could get spayed after puppy fully weaned

have you heard of a milk heat?I couldn't find anything on it

Hi. It is possible that this is a heat cycle, pretty early though. It's really hard to say for sure. Sometimes an infection will attract males as well. I would take her to the vet and find out what's going on just to be on the safe side. It's really hard to say what's going on with her without being able to see her. I can't say I have ever hear of a milk heat. Good luck!