Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breeding my bitch boxer

breeding my bitch boxer

18 13:42:11

iam trying to breed my bitch  with a male she is 11 days into season but will still not let the male climb on her he is licking her below like mad .can u give me any advice how to help them but i do refuse to hold them like some ppl say can u please help thanks

Hi Vicki. I need some more information to help you. Please answer these questions, so I can get a better picture, and give you better advice. :-) What color is her blood? Is it dark, or a lighter color? What does her vulva feel like? Does it feel more like your nose, or your lips? Does she flirt with the male? Does she stand for him, or refuse to allow him near her? And last, how old are the dogs? Are they experienced, or is this their first time?