Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 19 month old healthy staffy pregnant by Rottweiler

19 month old healthy staffy pregnant by Rottweiler

18 11:55:22

hi after leaving my staffy in the care of my boyfriends dad, his 3 year old rottwieler got to her, which i was not very happy about. i was just wondering wether you think she will be able to cope with delivering them? the dad is small for a rottwieler the vet said, both in height and weight (35kg) although he is otherwise healthy, she is a normal size staffy and currently weights 18kg at her last weight in 3 weeks ago. I can't find a vet in my area that will do x- rays on my dog.   
Also so you think they will look more like a staffy or a rottwieler, eg how big they will get ? the mum is a black staffy who came from a black female and white and black male. all her generations are of similar colour.
thanks for your time.

Hi Sammii

Staffy's are tough little dogs.  But it depends on the lines the male comes from. He may be a small Rotty, but he could have some big dogs in his background.

You really need to try and find a vet that will x-ray to see the size of the heads to ensure she can whelp them without issue.

It's hard to say what they will look like genetics plays a major role in that also who has the stronger genes.  I'm thinking you should get a 50/50 split in looks with the majority coming out black with either white or brown markings.

Good luck