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Limited Registration

18 13:34:26

I was looking into buying an AKC puppy but when I found out that the seller was only offering limited registration I changed my mind. Please correct me if I'm wrong but in order to compete for best in show doesn't the dog have to have full registration? So when they say limited registration does that mean you can't even register your pup that you buy?


HI Robin. Limited registration means that the dog can't compete in conformation shows, and if the dog is bred, their puppies can't be registered. If your dog is registered as limited, it is still registered, it just can't compete in dog shows. It can compete in obedience, agility, ect. Many breeders use limited registration for their pet puppies. A pet quality dog doesn't need to be bred, and most likely wouldn't do well in shows, so it doesn't need a full registration. If that breeder had that puppy registered as limited, then he/she may have thought that the puppy had some flaw that would hinder it in the show ring, or thought that the dog wasn't breeding quality.