Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Pheromones


18 11:58:25

QUESTION: Hi, we are trying to find pheromones for assisted breeding of tosa's if you have any information it would be greatly helpful, thank you.

ANSWER: Hi James

First love the Tosa's my husband keeps insisting we need one.  

How old are your breeding pair? Are they mostly inside dogs? Are using the pheromones to calm them?  You can purchase pheromones on-line but depending on your thoughts, there may be better alternatives.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My male is 4 years and the female is 2 years, The pheromones would not be to calm them, there already very mellow dogs, but rather to help with the breeding. Ive seen the calming pheromones online, but none for breeding. They are mostly inside dogs, but go outside when they please. She has had one litter before, but this will be his first siring of a litter. We want it to go good and hence, were looking for pheromones. Thanks again Joyce

You are better off trying the "bull penis" they are a stick that the dogs can chew on.  But because they come from the testies of a bull the dogs will absorb some of the testosterone, and that's what you need.  

The pheromones you are thinking, I think are what the females release to get the male interested, they too are available on line, but I've found  they don't as well.

Good luck