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Double Heat

18 13:48:50

QUESTION: OK here is our sitution!
Our 8 lb pomchi went into heat on the 25th, when she was in day 11 we started trying to mate her with  maltese who has sired five litters with Pomeranians . From the 11th day to the 16th day we had them together 24/7 and tried desperately to get her to accept him, she fought him at every turn inspite of the fact she enticed him, teased him backed into him, and then when he mounted, she freaked barked and once bit him.

We got one  breeding and he froze on ejaculation because she screamed as he ejaculated. They were only locked for 10 minutes.
This is the only time they did.
Not overly convinced that would have done the trick...

The problem is, she is now seeming to be starting another period again and today is the 16th day from onset o the last cycle.
What is going on!
Could this be a misscarrige of a two day old possible imprengation?
Is there such a thing as a "double heat" and she was not in real heat the first time and thats why  she wouldnt accept him,
That or she's a lesbian!!! LOL Thats a joke, but you never know!!!
Could you help shed some light on this and tell me if we should re mate them all over again, or is it common to be pregnant and bleed, its not heavy but its there and she  keeps licking her self, and l see traces of it on her fur....

I apprciate you taking the time to help solve this riddle!
Sincerely Mitzie's Mom
ANSWER: Dear Debbi & Mitzie,

I'm 100% confident that Mitzie prefers boys.  

By the sounds of things, her first "heat" was a pre-heat.  All the signs, starting to bleeding, teasing the boys, starting to swell.  But she is not ovulating.  So then 10 days to a few works go by then BANG.  She's in full blown and true heat.  

Chances are the first breeding didn't take -- that's why she wouldn't let the male mount her, she wasn't ready. Wanting the attention...but only to third base.  We had a name for girls like her in school.

Counting days is all good and fine but not as reliable as doing progesterone testing or swabs.  

Don't believe the books that say the 10 - 15 because different females ovulated from different times.  Any where from the 8th - 20th if the female is receptive by "flagging" and standing it could be a go!

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your prompt responce, ok, so she was in pre heat, full blown heavy period which stopped on about the 11th day and that was just a pre lude. Intersting, ok, so how long do we wait now,
whats the next course of action and when do we bring the two of them together again.
What am l looking for, l have her pad back on because the bleeding is enough to really bug her with it off, the pad keeps her content...even though it is not heavy like the first time....
Also, to make clear, the one mating they had will what, just bleed out?
ANSWER: Dogs breed for procreation not recreation. So what that means is.  If she was not ovulating at the time of contact. Nothing is going to happen as there will be no eggs to fertilize.  She must ovulated to produce pups.  

The bleeding should taper off to a pinkish color.  I would have a swab done so you can see her levels and know for certain when her optimal breeding time is.  It saves on aggravation, nerves and guess work.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, so the window of going to pink or light pink, is aprox how long, is this  second round the same MO as the first one, same length of time ISH, or is this one alot shorter, also,  is this  when we are suppose to put them together, when she goes light pink, because the woman who owns the stud, said Kodi wont touch a bitch when shes still bleeding?
I would think as soon as l notice shes gone to pink we should just put them together again for several days till the right day comes along and she begs him lol, he wont mind shes pink if she wants him right!
What are your thoughts?

The thing is, each female is different and experiences their heat differently.  I'm assuming this isn't her first heat and you are aware of how she's cycled in the past?

Typically it takes a few days for the color to change. Again, to keep yourself from going insane, I would do the progesterone testing (a series of simple blood tests) or a swab. That way you're not guessing.

And it's important to remember you don't want to leave them together 24/7 because they both will become frustrated and may "give up" on the whole notion.

And one quick note, if he's a male that been studded out in the past before he came to your girl, was a brucellois test done?