Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Female tied once and now wont let male do it again

Female tied once and now wont let male do it again

18 13:42:09

QUESTION: My year old bitch is having her first mating she tied for about 25mins on day 11 and hasn't let the male mate her since she keeps sitting down or moving forward will this effect her getting pregnant I really would have liked her to get two ties they have been together everyday since day 10 with a couple of breaks, she is now on day 14. Do you have any suggestions, i have tried holding her with no luck I have tried helping the male in but as soon as you touch him he stops. could she get pregnant with only the one tied at the early mark of 11 days??

ANSWER: Hi Teressa. Actually, most breeders don't try to breed until day 11. So, yes, she very well could've gotten pregnant with that one tie. However, because she is so young, I kind of hope that she doesn't. I don't mean that in a mean way. It's just that she's so young herself, still growing. It's kind of like a 15 year old girl having a baby. If she does become pregnant, talk to your vet and see what he thinks you need to do to make sure she stays healthy. If I can help with anything else, let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry she is actually 4 years old I miss typed I hope that changes she is also pedigree with papers why would she be stopping him doing it again??

Hi Teressa. 4 years is much better. :-) The most likely reason that your girl refuses her mate is because her time has gone. She's most likely pass her receptive phase of her heat cycle. It can happen as fast as that. If they tied on day 11, then you have a pretty good chance of her being pregnant. Sperm can live inside of the female for a few days, even up to a week.