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dead puppies

18 13:26:59

My golden retriever just had nine puppies. Everything seemed fine. She had the first five just fine and since it was three in the morning and I work. I went to bed, the vet said she would do the rest. When igot up this morning she had had nine puppies total and three were dead. Or rather two were dead and one was really cold and she keeps pushing it a way. I have tried to warm it and get it to nurse but to no avail. Did I do something wrong or was this inevitable. I am feeling very guilty for going to bed. Thanks.

Hi Suzanne

Because no one was there to witness what happened it's hard to say.  Anything could have happened, too long between pups, a stuck pup, or the pups could be just to weak.

Now you have to concentrate on the healthy, live pups.

Good luck