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mothers milk and weight

18 11:59:00

QUESTION: hi my husky had 8 pup 5 1/2weeks ago they are now weaned and for the last two days have not been near the mother , her breasts have blown up and she is dripping abit of milk does the milk dry up on its own or is there something i can do to help her .
i don't like how thin she is aswell i was feeding her on beta puppy complete but i am now giving her that aswell as beef joints cooked chicken ,beef jerki is there anything else i could do to help her put on weight fast.
kind regards

ANSWER: Hi Cassie

You can sprinkle some sage onto her food (about a 1/2 teaspoon) and that will help dry her up but her milk will dry up on it's own.  8 is a large litter and she would have produced a lot of milk.

You are doing everything right in terms of feeding. You don't want to over feed her as she'll end up with diarrhea.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Some females take a few months to put their weight back on.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, thanks for the help can i ask you somthing else the pups are 6 weeks old tomorrow i dewormed them on saturday with drontal since then they have had a mix of loose stools and normal stools i am now back to loose stools with them is there a reason why there stool are not normal all the time i am feeding them beta complete puppy food .or and they did have worms how long does it take for them all to come away and the eggs as well.
thanks alot for your help

Drontel is my favorite form of de-wormer.  It's good to do the dam too so they aren't just passing them back and forth.

Drontel will get rid of the worms and eggs usually with one dose. The loose stool could be from the food.  You can add canned pumpkin to the mix to help tighten them up.  

Our conversely, the could have gardia which is a parasite that is common.  Three days of drontel will rid your pups of that too.

Good luck