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selling frozen semen from champion boxer

18 13:33:32

I am not a breeder, however I showed/owned a champion boxer.  Luke was a beautiful representation of the breed as well as my beloved pet.  When I purchased him from the breeder(who also showed his dogs), I agreed to show him until he became a champion.  Within a couple of years, Luke earned his championship.  Occasionally, with guidance from his breeder, I would stud him out to the proper bitch, but mainly he was a pet.  Because the breeder thought Luke was such a fine specimen, he encouraged me to have Luke's semen collected and stored.  I had the collection done several years ago.  Since then, Luke has passed away, and I have lost contact with the breeder.  I'm not sure if I sound silly asking this, but... I was wondering how I would go about selling the frozen semen.  Are there reputable breeders out there who would be interested in purchasing it?  I have all the paperwork: registration, pedigree, DNA profile, pictures, etc.

Hi Rosanne. I'm sure there would be people interested in using his sperm if he was healthy, was a good representation of the breed, and had a great pedigree. If you had health tests done on him, I'm sure a lot more people would want to use him. You can put his info on your web page, or visit reptuable web sites that lists breeders. I have a few of them if you're interested. Word of mouth works great, too. You could also go on a few Boxer lists and ask for help there. Tell them that you were wondering how you would go about letting people know about your boy. Was your boy plain or flashy? I hate to sound rude, but what did your boy pass away from? Breeders will want to know that.