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German Shepherd seasons

18 13:44:20

I understand that the majority of you guys aren't real hot on people who know nothing about breeding - breeding their dogs.  Unfortunately I got mixed up in a contract when I purchased my "pet quality" dog that requires me to breed her 2x's.  With that said we try to watch her cycles and this last one seemed to be three months apart - is that possible?  I thought they were to be 6 months apart - the last ones were but not this time.  She delivered one litter a year ago and we need to supply a second so we can haver her fixed and count this as a lesson learned!



Hi Amanda! I have no problem with someone wanting to breed their dog. As long as they try their best to learn as much as they can. Everyone has to start somewhere!:-)

With that said, sometimes an experienced breeder may try to take advantage of a newbie. Sounds like that's what happened to you. No good breeder would require someone to breed their pet quality dog. I'm sorry that happened to you. Like you said, a good lesson learned. Ok, she may be having what's called a split heat. That's when they'll start their heat cycle, stop for whatever reason, wait awhile, and then start it back up. That might be what's going on here. It's kind of hard to say for sure. I'd recommend taking her to your vet, and let him run a few tests just to make sure. That's the safest thing to do. It's really hard to say over the Internet, as I can't see your dog, or truly know her history. If she is having a split heat, then there should be no worries. She should go back to normal next time. I wish I could've been of more help. Good luck!