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nursing dogs mammary gland area

18 13:33:00

My dog did great with her first litter.  I have now noticed the scratch marks and I would call them bite marks around her nipples.  I read to watch for this but I can find no answers as to what to do about it.  I do not know how to trim puppy nails, but with some direction I am sure I could do it.

Hi Pam. I'm not sure how old your pups are, but the best way that I have found to trim nails is to catch them while they are asleep, and using a pair of human nail clippers, gently hold a paw in one hand, and clip just the tip off the nails. This will usually keep mom from getting scratched. If you don't feel comfortable doing it by yourself, get a helper and have them hold the pup and paw for you. It's simple and if you just take the tip off, you usually can't hurt them. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.