Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > is my dog ready to breed? if so how do i find a mate?

is my dog ready to breed? if so how do i find a mate?

18 13:28:49

QUESTION: Hi I am Megan, and i have a little maltese named Rosie she's almost one, she
will be in May. I was wondering if its too early for her to breed she has had
her period I think because there has been some blood in that area for about 3
weeks . If it's not to early how do i find her a mate? thanks so much for your
Megan Grealy

ANSWER: Hi. It is too early right now. She's still very puppy like. I prefer for the female to be as close to two as possible, but I am aware that some people breed the smaller breeds a little bit earlier. When was she in heat?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: about a week ago

I'd wait until her next heat cycle at least, preferably her third cycle. It's too late now, she's already out of heat. What you can do is to spend the next few months looking for a suitable male for her. You can search on the internet, or talk to your vet and see if there are any really nice males that he knows of. You can also search and figure out what type of health testing she needs to have done before breeding, and make sure the male has the same health tests done. You can go to Yahoo and search for Maltese e-mail groups and talk to some experienced breeders there. Good luck!