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my boxer puppies

18 13:28:49

Hi we have 2 boxer puppies (bruce & zara) they are 8 months & 3 wks old. 3 wks ago i tuck them both to the vets because zara had been being sick for 2 days. zara was given 3 injections, antibiotic, acids & something to stop her from being sick + they were both given a course of antibiotics for 5 days. since leaving the vets we have only been feeding them chicken & brown rice up until 4 days ago when we started to introduce there pro plan puppy food which they have been on since we brought them home mixed with egg chicken or goats milk. (the chicken or eggs are always cooked) zara's sickness started again yesterday and she hasn't put ant weight back on since this all started. she is very on edge which isn't like her at all. she is normally a very confident puppy. your advise would be very helpful.
thank you for your time

Hi. What exactly was wrong with the dogs, what did the vet call it? Dogs can act odd when they're sick, they can't help it. Once she feels better, she should be back to her old self. Sometimes it takes awhile to completely recover, you'll just have to give her some time. You can add canned pumpkin to their diet, it will help with diarrhea. Not the pumpkin pie filler, just plain old canned pumpkin. Please let me know what the vet said was wrong with them.