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still no signs

18 13:42:39

me again. My boxer is on her 63rd day. she only bred once. there are no signs. her vulva is very loose. her teets have milk in them when you squeeze them. she is very lazy but she isnt panting and isnt going off her food. she has never been a big eater tho. the pups are moving alot.  how do i know she is in labor? shouldnt she be sometime today. her temp is still 99.2.  am i missing something?  she is just walking around then laying down, sleeping and so on and so on.

Hi Julia. A normal pregnancy can last up to 65 days. If she should go past that, I would take her straight to the vet. The thing is, you can breed a dog on one certain day, but she may not 'take' until a few days later. Sperm can live inside of the female for a few days, and she may not have actually ovulated until a couple of days after she was bred. That may be the reason why she's not going into labor right now. If she's acting normal, then she's not in distress. Keep taking her temp, morning and night. When her labor starts, she'll pant and dig like crazy. This can last up to 24 hours before whelping begins. Has she lost her mucus plug yet? It's this clearish, stringie glob that comes from her vulva. You'll know it if you see it. After she looses it, she should start labor within 24-48 hours. Again, if she goes over the 65 day, I'd take her in for a check up.