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Puppies are 2 weeks and Mom is sick

18 11:59:15

My 8 1/2 lab had puppies on December 2nd.  Everything went really well and she stopped her spotting after about 4 days of labor.  Just this weekend she started having uncontrollable diarrhea.  She has been eating puppy food for the last month or so as suggested by her vet.  What are some dietary supplements to help her keep the nutrition she is losing from nursing and get her system back on track?

Hi Annette

You want to stop the diarrhea as she will become dehydrated.  The easiest and safest way to do that is to add a few tablespoons of canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) into her food.

If you changed her kibble that may explain the runs.  You want a quality product with a high fat/protein levels. Taste of the Wild, Orijen, etc.  You can also supplement with raw heart, kidney and liver.

Good luck