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welping and panting

18 13:29:59

My pug Penelope had a litter of 5 a week ago 2day we lost 1 @ birth. All the other pugs are healthy and growing at normal rate. Penelope starting panting 2day. I'm worried that it might a problem. I'm sure all the sacs came with each pup n I have had her eating the diet I was told to put her on and my vet said I don't need 2 bring them in until they are ready for shots but I'm worried she might have a problem! Some say they pant when producing milk could that be it?

Hi Dana

Do you have her in a heated room, or have a heating lamp turned on her? Sometimes it can be just plain on stress and nerves.

Make sure she has plenty of fresh water available to her and give her some time away from the pups.

Her uterus could be contracting and going back to normal, exercise will help bring her body back.  

Just watch for any black discharge or "foul" odor.

Good luck