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Temp and labor?

18 11:55:56

My dog is due any day now and has had a temp of 98.1 to 98.9
for over 24 hours then it just went up to 99.4 She is very
sleepy but has trouble getting comfy. He is leaking a small
amount of clear liquid. She is eating and voiding normally.
this am she did dry heave for a few min but nothing came
out. Could she be going into labor? this is her first
litter. She has no other text book signs of labor.

the temp goes up right before it shoots down before labor. sometimes the difference in temps can be from the thermometer bot being inserted far enough. it has to be in all the way everytime you take it. other things you can watch for is her nesting, panting, or a huge gush of fluids. you will know for sure when she is in hard labor. do not leave her alone until after pups are born. her or the pups may need your assistance. feel free to ask any other questions you may have.