Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Think my jack russell bitch is in 1st stage labour,how long can this last?

Think my jack russell bitch is in 1st stage labour,how long can this last?

18 13:26:48

QUESTION: Hi,my JR bitch is 2 yrs old and on her 63rd day since mating.this is her 1st (and last!)litter.Pregnancy has been fine,no probs so far.Temp taken twice a day;dropped from usual 37.9 to 36.5 last night and she has refused food since yesterday am.started panting last night,all night,nesting,digging,backbone showing and pups active etc but this morning although still breathing quicker no signs of imminent birth and her temp back up to 37.5 and she's sleeping on sofa!Is this normal and how long can i expect this 1st stage to last?she has had slight pinkish discharge throughout but appears not to have lost a plug,tho her stools are small and a bit slimey.thanx for any help and advice.

ANSWER: Hi. The first stage of labor, the digging, panting, can't get comfortable, can last up to 24 hours. However, the pink discharge has me worried. I would put a call in to the vet just to be on the safe side. Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi,you were spot on!she had 4 healthy pups within 3 hours of my posting the Q.she struggled with the 1st,but from then on she managed very well(with help).mum and pups doing well but my Q. is that mum is still shivering now and then with a little pant.she is a VERY petted (spoilt) bitch (our fault,she was rescued from neglect) so could it be because she is now separated from the rest of us,ie mainly hubby (her Dad) and her mate?she has eaten well and drunk milk/water.thank you again!x

Hi. The shivering and panting has me worried. I wouold take her to the vet and let him give her a clean out shot just to make sure that everything's out. If a dog still has a placenta or puppy inside of her, she will still pant and act uncomfortable. If left in there, it can lead to a serious infection and even death. The shivering could be from a low calcium level, also very dangerous. It's more common in small dogs, it's called eclampsia. I'm really glad that the pups came safely and are doing well.