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choc lab heat question

18 13:27:47

I have a chocolate lab that is 6 years old.  I have not noticed her going into heat.  We have intentions of breeding her.  We bought her when she was 8 weeks old, and she hasn't been spayed.  The vet did a thyroid test and said she is okay and doesn't have a hypothyroid.  Any suggestions?

Hi Kim

Has she gone into heat ever?  

You can start by supplementing her diet with salmon (fish) oils, vitamins and extra sunlight.

The seasons play a large part in the cycle of females.  Extra daylight and sunshine (also available in Vitamin C) will help boost her immune system, which in turn will assist with bringing her in.

You can also buy full spectrum lighting, available at any hardware store.  It screws in just like a regular light bulb, leave it on in the area she spends most of her time.

Good luck