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dog in pain due to curdling milk

18 13:27:46

Is there anyway for me to get the bad milk from the breast of my 1yr female pit-mix dog? it has already become so bad she had a fever of 106 degrees when i took her to the vet. they gave me antibiotics and told me to milk her. it now has broken through the skin and when i try to get the bad milk out of the wound all i get is a clear type of blood please help me to find a way to get the infection out of her breast. They told me if the infection stays in there it could be fatal!

Hi Brandy

What your female is experiencing is called mastitis and it can be fatal to both the dam and pups.

The easiest and painless way to express the milk is to stand your female in a tub of warm water.  Make sure that her teats are completely submerged in water.  Gently massage the infected teat until the milk runs clear. Do this 2 or 3 times a day.

When she feeds the pups, cover the infected teat with a wrap or gauze so that the pups can't get it.  

Good luck