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Shih tzu welping

18 13:29:29

My pregant Shih Tzu is having some clear discharge, is very lethargic and seems very uncomfortable. I didn't think she would be due until March 15th but I could be wrong. She came in heat on January 4th and we only witnessed on tie on January 19th. Am I counting the days wrong? Should I be going from when her cycle started?

Hi Laurie

She should be whelping on the weekend of the 20th if you count from the 19th.  

You count from the day she mated and you err on the side of caution assuming her eggs were fertile and ready to go.

A slight mucus discharge can be common as long as it's clear.  Anything with a tint or odor would be a red flag and would require immediate vet attention.

Good luck