Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Re: Bitch rejecting pups

Re: Bitch rejecting pups

18 13:26:52

Hi, I have a miniture poodle. She is 4 yrs old and has just had her first litter. She had 3 pups last night - 1 naturally, 1 induced at the vet and the third one by c-section. She has shown no interest in them whatsoever, not even chewing the sac or eating the afterbirth. I am hand-rearing them at present and have tried putting them with her but she just growls. Is there any other way of encouraging her to take to them? Does this sound like she will completely reject them? If so, what reasons do bitches do this?

Hi Kristy

It's common for a female that has had a section to ignore her pups.  Once the drugs leave her system, she may come around.

I've had great success with holistic remedies such as Bach's Rescue Remedy, or Arnica to help calm her down and let the mothering juices start to flow.  

Good luck