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Husky Mother Digging/ Whining

18 11:58:49

Hi.  My Siberian Husky gave birth to 7 puppies 2weeks ago.  They all seem to be doing great!  Before the birth, we had a whelping box all ready for her to go, set up in out basement.  Well she had other ideas and had them in our closet.  Since our closet is a decent size, we let her and the pups stay in there 2 3days weeks.  We have since moved them into the whelping box in the basement and she and the pups seemed to adjust fine. (its a finished comfortable in the basement, temp), But my question is that now my mama husky will come up to our bedroom and just start digging the carpet like she did before labor.  When she was in our carpeted closet with the puppies, she also was digging which I just assumed that maybe it was to get comfortable.  This morning, she was under our bed digging the carpet? Is this normal? She also whines alot at the puppies, is this how she communicates with them??

Hi Michelle

The problem is this .. you let her have her pups in your closet, and the moved them.  What you should have done is moved her immediately to her whelping box before she even finished having her pups.  

What she is doing is trying to make a den in your bedroom for the pups.  She is wants to move them and she's nervous about having her "den" so far away from your room.

You may want to give her some vitamin B complex to calm her down and encourage her to stay in the whelping box by feeding her and giving her treats inside it.

Good luck