Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > male studing of boston terrier

male studing of boston terrier

18 13:48:58

QUESTION: What age can I stud a male boston terrier

Although a male can breed at a young age to do ANY breeding justice it is optimal to wait 2 years.  That way you can see how the male turns out, if he has any health issues and his semen is strong.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is the best way to offer a stud service and to just ask for a puppy from the litter......


Hi Tim

I would recommend a legal and binding contract clearly outlining what is expected from both parties.   Too many times I have seen the stud owner left out in the cold when the dam owners takes the puppies and runs. Or if the pups develop health issues, it seems the male is always to blame (whether it's the case or not).

- Stud fees, are you asking money up front (and if your male isn't a proven producer then what?) Are you asking for a "pick" pup back? What if the pups are sick or die?  Who pays that vet cost?

- What constitutes as a litter? Are you going to guarantee X number of puppies? And if so, are you going to allow a repeat breeding if it doesn't take?

- Is the female coming to you, or are you going to the female?  If the female stays with you are you able to adequately house, feed and care for the female?  What if the male and female fight? Who is responsible for the vet costs?

And finally, if you are going to stud out your male make sure that Brucellois testing is done and you get a copy of a health certificate from a vet on each female you male will encounters.  You don't want to lose your male to a STD.

Good luck