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staffordshire bull terrier

18 13:33:33


My beuitiful Dog (Fran
Hello, im from England and my question is that ive a 4 and a half year old staffy and shes about to have her puppies any day now, the thing is that my friends staffy had 6 beuitifull pupps last year and when se had them she went extremly skinny in fact my friend got reported for not looking after her and iknow he loves his dog dearly and infact he had bags and bags of food fo her. Can you give me any suggestion to how and what to feed my dog after she has had her pupps just to build her back up as i know it takes alot out of the dog, should i give her things like pasta and tuna or even egg white and milk what do you think renne?

Hi Andrew. It does take a lot out of mom when she has a litter, and no matter what you feed her, she'll most likely look pretty rough for awhile. You can't help that. The best thing that you can do for her is to make sure she has plenty of fresh water, and a good quality food. I don't  know if you guys have it over there or not but you can buy some Nutri-Cal from your vet or online. It's a great pick me up for mom and pups, and will help make sure your girl gets plenty of calories and nutrients. I wouldn't give her milk. It can give her diarrhea. I'd just give her a good quality dog food, and plenty of it. No matter what you give her, she'll still look pretty ratty for awhile. It just goes with having puppies. I personally will only add beef broth to a dog's food. If you load her up on people food, she may get picky and not eat her dog food. You can talk to your vet and see what he recommends. You'll just have to give her some time to get back into shape. As long as you stay in contact with your vet, and make sure she visits him if something comes up, I don't see how you could get into trouble. I hope your friend didn't get into trouble either.