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staffordshire bull terrier bitch

18 11:58:21

My bitch is 5 days off her due date, shes restless, nesting, off her food and ive noticed recently a light coloured discharge. Its quite thick (shoe string like) and is a very pale yellow - green colour. My vets have advised this is not anything to worry about too much but im looking for a bit more reasurrance. she had developed milk and her temperature is 37 degrees celcius. could you give me some ins and outs so i know what to do? thanks.

Hi Diane

The hardest part about breeding is the waiting.  

The discharge is her mucus plug, which can be expelled 10 days to 10 hours prior to whelping.  

All the signs she exhibiting are normal.  You'll know she's close when she quits eating.  There is really nothing for you to do as Mother Nature is an old hand at birthing.  Just keep a close eye on your female, make sure she has a whelping box where she can safely and quietly birth her pups, and make sure that the discharge she does have doesn't turn black.

Good luck