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Bichon acting sad after puppies

18 13:28:15

Hi, i have a female bichon who is now 11 months old, she got pregnant on her first heat and the puppies are now 2 weeks old. she got through the birth and is a very good mother,we make sure to feed her alot and look after her. but the last few days she has been throwing up her food and just seems like she has no energy, she sleeps alot but she does not seem as full of life as she used to be. should we be worried or is this a normal part of whelping?

Hi. This is not normal side effects of whelping. Because of her age, whelping and nursing puppies can be even harder on her. My best advice here would be to get her to the vet fast. It could be something very serious, even life threatening. Please let me know how it turns out.